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Cobra: Naja naja Linnaeus Habit : Diurnal. Habitat : Fields, forests, termite hills, rat holes. Diagnostic Characters : Colour variable, generally brownish to blackish. Head not very distinct from the neck, dilatable into a hood, the anterior ribs being elongate. A monocle or spectacle mark or no mark present on the hood. Eyes moderate, pupil round. Scales smooth, in 19-25 rows, no occipital shields. Global Distribution : Africa, Malaysia, Southern Asia. Regional Distribution : Throughout India. Status : Lower risk-near threatened.
Common krait:
Bungarus caeruleus Schneider Habit : Nocturnal, carnivorous, terrestrial (mainly). Habitat : Fields, low scrub jungle, human habitation, frequently near or in water. Diagnostic Characters : Length usually less than 2 m. Black or bluish-black above with narrow white cross-bars, which are least distinct on the anterior part of the body, or entirely absent. The eyes are small and very dark which makes the pupil almost invisible. Global Distribution : Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka. Regional Distribution: Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh. Status : Lower risk-near threatened.
Russell's viper: Vipera russelli Shaw Habit : Nocturnal. Habitat : Dry and semi-arid tracts and open country. Diagnostic Characters: Body length 3-4 feet but occasionally can reach 6 feet. Scales in 27-33 rows, supranasal strongly crescentic. Snout obtuse, with distinct canthus, nostrils very large. Light brown above, with 3 longitudinal series of large rounded or oval spots, which are usually brown in the centre, have a black margin and are edged again with white. Global Distribution: Burma, India, Indo-China, Pakistan, Sri Lanka. Regional Distribution: Throughout India. Status : Lower risk-near threatened.
Sawscaled Viper: Echis carinatus Schneider Habit : Terrestrial. Habitat : Scrub to desert. Diagnostic Characters : Pale brown or greyish or sandy above with a vertebral series of pale dark edged spots which are connected on each side with a light inverted-U or inverted-V shaped mark enclosing a dark area, these spots are usually more or less connected with one another and form an undulating light line along the side of the body. A cruciform mark on top of the head, behind the eyes. Whitish below, uniform or spotted with brown. Global Distribution : Endemic to India. Regional Distribution : Central and Southern India. Status : Lower risk-near threatened.